Book #5 Reader Reviews

With Lady Justice and the Sting, Robert Thornhill has put an exciting and hilarious spin on one of the most important and concerning issues today: our imploding 'healthcare' system.
As the Founder of the New Medicine Foundation, I stay quite busy delivering scientifically backed healthcare solutions to clients around the world, and await the great transformation of our failing drug and surgery based systems. Rarely having time to read for 'fun', it was to my great surprise that Bob delivered to me a manuscript of 'The Sting' just a few days ago. Within just a few sittings I thoroughly digested and enjoyed his work while smiling ear to ear, laughing, and with excited anticipation as he efficiently and amusingly described the foundational and malicious problems behind our failing system.
With 'The Sting' we will have something wonderfully fun and easy to provide for people to read, not only for enjoyment, but to make them aware of how misled the American public has been over the last many decades, as we are literally drugged and fed fake food to our early demise. Nearly more importantly given the current global crisis, the financial criminality and unsustainability behind the system is not only bringing on its own demise, but the demise of our entire country and possibly the current global economic system as we wallow in debt, sickness, mental and physical ailments, and the poor relationships, geopolitical problems, and life experiences that arise from these underlying issues.
This may very well be the 'Rich Dad / Poor Dad' for the healthcare interested masses who are sick and tired of being SICK AND TIRED!
Phenomenal work Bob, you have found a calling and have much more to do!
Be Well,
Dr Edward W Pearson, MD, ABIHM
Robert hit a homer with this one.
I had a great vision of the characters and the scene.
It was a page turner that was hard to put down. The book was well written to the extent that it was like watching a movie in your head.
Walt is awesome and sheds light with good comedy that that speaks volumes about the corruption in the government and corporations that we tend to overlook each day.
I guess you could say that Robert is a whistle blower but also makes it light.
Dr. Britt Batchelor, DC

"Money becomes a problem when you put it above everything else. Money is there to be used and people are there to be loved. Problems arise when the opposite occurs; money is loved and people are used." -Pastor Bob in "Lady Justice and the Sting" (page 152) This quote pretty well sums up the themes of this book which include but are not limited to: greed, cover-ups, secrets and the good old "good vs. evil" theme. Another great book from Robert Thornhill! This book, the 5th in the series, opens with the murder of an holistic doctor. The killer was after a study that would prove that a certain statin drug was doing more damage than good to the people who took it. The killer who has a face like a hawk is referred to as "the hawk-faced man." lol The hawk-faced man works for a lawyer who in turn works for a Pharmaceutical company who in turn is in the pockets of very high government officials. The corruption goes all the way up the ladder to the FDA. Walt begins to research the world of holistic healing and gains many insights into the motives for this crime. Walt watches the movie "The Sting" with Paul Newman and decides that he and the FBI need to do a sting operation to get the bad guys. I love when Maggie dresses Walt up like Jimmy Cagney so he can go undercover as a "goon." He even talks like Cagney and Edward G. Robinson's characters! It's so funny! "I'll be the first to admit that my crime-fighting skills are more a product of Turner Classic Movies on cable than anything I ever learned at the police Academy." - Walt Williams, page 155 The ending of this book is not as clean and neat and wrapped up with a pink bow as in Thornhill's other books but I suppose some things in real life are just naturally a bit messy.
Lady Justice and Murphy's Law, November 6, 2012
This review is from: Lady Justice And The Sting (Paperback)
Lady Justice And The StingLady Justice and the Sting by Robert Thornhill
This is my second book in the Lady Justice series, and I really enjoyed this one. It's all tongue in cheek humor, and it could have been called Lady Justice Meets Murphy's Law. You actually start to feel sorry for the bad guy. He has more than a few bad days at the office.
Like Michael Moore's Sicko, this novel goes after the health care industry, the dirty politicians and the evil doers that are not concerned with the welfare of the people. The story gallops along and keeps you reading because there's nowhere to take a breath or grab a cup of coffee. You wonder how his elderly heroes manage the pace. And, well researched on a hot topic, it gives you plenty to think about along with the laughs.
Thornhill pretty much makes fun of everyone in the book, except the women. He has a healthy respect for the women in his stories. He should; they're a kickass bunch. Don't mess with grandma.
If you're looking for laughs and a good story line, this is the best I've read in a while.

Lady Justice and the Sting
In today’s world, there are several controversies which have been going on for at least twenty years now that used a line everyone if familiar with and has heard and most likely said to someone in a conversation and that is “you are what you eat”. In fact, we still use this line to make a point about the weight problem we see going on around us. Did you ever think though that the people trying to help us are the people also hurting us in the end?
In “Lady Justice and the Sting” the fifth in the series you are reading about the crimes that involve Pharmaceutical companies, healthcare professionals, the FDA, the FTC and for what in the end? Money, power and greed at the well being of us, you and I. Once I opened this book and started reading the first chapter, I could not put it down and wanted to see just how far into the political systems this would go. Just how far would a pharmaceutical company go to keep their products on the market? What would happen if a study was released announcing to the world the facts of medicines being sold and provided to patients unnecessarily without alternative methods being discussed.
The reading grabs you from the first murder and you to find yourself hunting for the hawk-faced man along with the detectives. The cat and mouse chase while trying to protect one couple made me wonder how a person could be so devious and malicious. Since I had not read any of the previous books of this series, I thought I might have a hard time following the characters and found just the opposite. The characters are defined throughout the story and on some you will laugh out loud when you learn how they came about. The author does a great job with the characters, keeping you involved in the medical mystery and you learn a few things too as you read about some alternatives that you on your own could research.
The author thanks Kevin Trudeau for his book, Natural Cures “They” Don’t Want You To Know About, and Dr. David G. Williams for his newsletter, Alternatives For the Health-Conscious Individual and I felt this was a nice touch showing what helped provide her the inspiration for this book. This book was a page turner and I know you will feel the same. If you have not read this author before or any books in this series then after reading this one you will realize you have just found yourself a new author. In fact, I’m starting my search now for the first in this series…
The adventures never stop with Walt and the gang! In this intriguing installment of the Lady Justice series, Robert Thornhill tackles a very serious topic, but also injects humor at every turn. I know my reviews probably all sound the same, but it's true: Robert Thornhill is a great author, and this is a great series! If you haven't already discovered this author and this series, there's no time like the present, you don't know what you're missing!

This book is very interesting. I always thought that they shouldn't be showing commercials on TV for drugs you are supposed to ask your doctor for. The side effects are worse than the ailment. Why would any one want to take a drug that could cause a stroke, heart attack or even death. Do you really want to take that chance with your life? I always felt they don't want to find a cure for any of these diseases because yes that would put the drug companies out of business. They would rather make money off of us instead of cure us. My husband had a heart attack in Dec 2010. He is on a few different meds. The one was really making him tired so they cut the dosage in half. Another one the really expensive one he only had to take for a year. I've tried to tell him that if he watched his diet more carefully he might be able to get off of them but that's his problem he doesn't eat healthy. Everyone was surprised that he had a heart attack because he is a jogger but he doesn't eat healthy. He is eating healthier now but not as good as he should. So I can't wait to see what else happens in this book.
This book was amazing. Lots of twists and turns that keep you guessing. The drug industry scared me but now after reading the book I am even more scared about all these drugs. Hopefully I will never have to take any of them.
Great job on the book Robert! Another great book!

Lady Justice and the Sting (Lady Justice #5) Robert Thornhill Mystery/Comedy
Walt Williams is 68 years old, newly married and a rookie cop. He is on the case of a Holistic physician who is murdered. As he digs deeper into this case more people end up dead, and he finds a connection with some greedy pharmaceutical corporations. If that is not enough he comes face to face with corrupt politicians. It appears that a clinical study is the root of these murders. Someone is trying to put an end to this, and Walts life as well.
Fast paced mystery with unforgettable lovable characters. The plot is so believable I can envision something like this happening. It also makes me think twice before I get a prescription medication from the doctor. Robert Thornhill created another hit in this funny, memorable mystery. I look forward to more of his work.
Sex, drugs and rock n roll. This book has it all. Walt and his merry band of seniors are called upon to take on the pharmaceutical industry. Mix in an assassin that always seems to elude them, corporate giants and corrupt politicians and you have a recipe for another great book. For those of you that remember The Sting, you're in for a trip down memory lane. And best of all, Walt plays a tough guy. A must read for all Walt Williams fans.


Lady Justice and the Sting
In today's world, there are several controversies which have been going on for at least twenty years now that used a line everyone if familiar with and has heard and most likely said to someone in a conversation and that is "you are what you eat". In fact, we still use this line to make a point about the weight problem we see going on around us. Did you ever think though that the people trying to help us are the people also hurting us in the end?
In today's world, there are several controversies which have been going on for at least twenty years now that used a line everyone if familiar with and has heard and most likely said to someone in a conversation and that is "you are what you eat". In fact, we still use this line to make a point about the weight problem we see going on around us. Did you ever think though that the people trying to help us are the people also hurting us in the end?
In "Lady Justice and the Sting" the fifth in the series you are reading about the crimes that involve Pharmaceutical companies, healthcare professionals, the FDA, the FTC and for what in the end? Money, power and greed at the well being of us, you and I. Once I opened this book and started reading the first chapter, I could not put it down and wanted to see just how far into the political systems this would go. Just how far would a pharmaceutical company go to keep their products on the market? What would happen if a study was released announcing to the world the facts of medicines being sold and provided to patients unnecessarily without alternative methods being discussed.
The reading grabs you from the first murder and you to find yourself hunting for the hawk-faced man along with the detectives. The cat and mouse chase while trying to protect one couple made me wonder how a person could be so devious and malicious. Since I had not read any of the previous books of this series, I thought I might have a hard time following the characters and found just the opposite. The characters are defined throughout the story and on some you will laugh out loud when you learn how they came about. The author does a great job with the characters, keeping you involved in the medical mystery and you learn a few things too as you read about some alternatives that you on your own could research.
The author thanks Kevin Trudeau for his book, Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You To Know About, and Dr. David G. Williams for his newsletter, Alternatives For the Health-Conscious Individual and I felt this was a nice touch showing what helped provide him the inspiration for this book. This book was a page turner and I know you will feel the same. If you have not read this author before or any books in this series then after reading this one you will realize you have just found yourself a new author. In fact, I'm starting my search now for the first in this series...
Great Addition to a Great Series!!!, September 20, 2011
This review is from: Lady Justice And The Sting (Volume 5) (Paperback)
In Lady Justice and the Sting, Robert Thornhill exposes how corrupt the pharmaceutical business has become when Walt is faced with a series of murders. This is an excellent addition to a truly enjoyable series. Mr. Thornhill does an excellent job in capturing the readers interest and keeping it throughout the entire book. I thought that the way he included actual facts into this installment regarding the parmaceutical industry took the book in an interesting direction and made me consider how much I trust the medications that I am prescribed. I may have to do some extra research on that, but I thank Mr. Thornhill for making me think about it.
Anyone who has read any of the previous installments in this series will be happy to know that all of the characters we have come to love are back and still as interesting as ever. I truly enjoy reading all of Mr. Thorhill's novels and wait anxiously for each new installment in the series. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys mysteries, comedy and an enjoyable reading experience. This is a great series to to start reading, if you haven't yet, and a series that is worth continuing to read as new novels are published. This is a great book and I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a pleasant way to spend a Fall day.
Lady Justice and the Sting by Robert Thornhill September 4, 2013
When a Holistic Physician is murdered Walt becomes entangled in the high powered world of corrupt politicians and corporate giants. The FBI and the Kansas city police department join forces and Walt goes undercover in a sting operation in order to expose those involved in this tangled web of intrigue, in doing this he becomes the target of a vicious assassin. The crew is all back Ox, Willie, Maggie and Mary. To help Walt bring... Read More
When a Holistic Physician is murdered Walt becomes entangled in the high powered world of corrupt politicians and corporate giants. The FBI and the Kansas city police department join forces and Walt goes undercover in a sting operation in order to expose those involved in this tangled web of intrigue, in doing this he becomes the target of a vicious assassin. The crew is all back Ox, Willie, Maggie and Mary. To help Walt bring these criminals to justice in some unorthodox ways.I truly enjoy this series, a fun read.