Book #4 Reader Reviews

"In every generation men are born into the world with the extraordinary gift of leadership with the power to influence others and to make them embrace a cause with such fervor that they are willing to sacrifice their lives. It is one of the great mysteries of the universe why one man bearing such a special gift becomes an Adolf Hitler while another bearing that same gift becomes a Dr. Martin Luther King." -Robert Thornhill: "Lady Justice and the Avenging Angels" -page 206 This very profound statement sums up the theme of this, the fourth book in the Lady Justice series. The "Avenging Angels" are a group of farmer terrorists who believe they are causing so much bloodshed for God. Their leader is a man who has the gift of leadership and makes these men believe that God wants them to kill people in order to rid the earth of sinners. I think this might just be my favorite book in the Lady Justice series (so far). The theme is a powerful one and the scenes involving the terrorist bombings, although they were hard and stressful for me to read, they really made this book even more of a page turner than the previous three in the series because of that stress! I just had to make sure that Walt and Ox and the others were okay. I loved the scenes where Walt and Willy were exploring Willie's family history! I got a little stressed out when they were in the cave but again, that just drove me to keep reading until I made sure everyone was alright :-) This book was a bit different than the first three because there were some chapters that were written in the 3rd person. I really liked that and it worked really well for the particular chapters that were written in the 3rd person because those were the chapters where we saw what the Avenging Angels were up to in their meetings. So we, the readers, know a bit of what Walt and the gang are going to be faced with. And of course, like the previous books in this series, there are a lot of really humorous scenes and tons of wit! I have a question for Robert Thornhill.... I need closure about Larry and Mike. Did they survive the bomb? They were talking to Walt and Ox at the parade when the bomb went off and I don't remember finding out if they survived. I hope they lived. Oh and P.S. I really want to visit the Osceola Cheese Shop!!

Lady Justice And The Avenging Angels (Lady Justice #4) Robert Thornhill
Walt Williams, now newlywed to his sweetheart Maggie have returned from Hawaii and are adjusting to married life. He comes home to a religious fanatic, on a killing spree to rid the world of human pestilence. These religious terrorists are determined to rid the world of people whom they find are unfit for society. Walt and gang set out to stop the madness of a man whose insane antics are killing innocent people.
All the characters we love from the series are back in action. With danger, action and humor, Robert Thornhill creates characters and scenarios like none I have read before. I eagerly look forward to more installments of this fun series. I found myself wishing for Lady justice to become a weekly comedy/murder series! I truly love every book in the Lady Justice books.

Robert Thornhill did an amazing job writing this book. Each book in The Lady Justice series is better than the last.Fast paced reading and very funny. I kept wanting to read to see what would happen next. Never a dull moment. I wished I could have seen Maggie and Walt's faces when they came back from their honeymoon and saw that their new apartment had been decorated by his dad and the old folks in the apartment building. Walt sure gets himself in a lot of messes but always manages to get out of them. He must be like a cat with 9 lives. I loved Jerry's Hawaiian sayings they were too funny. Maggie's organic meal had Walt worried and I loved their adventures with Willie's treasure map from his ancestors. Thanks for an awesome book!
Another 5 star book must read in this wonderful series. A review will follow. This series just keeps getting better. Walt & Maggie are back from their honeymoon and both have to adjust to being married and living together. Did I mention neither has been married before and are both over 60 yrs old? Kansas City is the backdrop to a religious hate group targeting "sin" by bombing them to Kingdom Come. Willie begins to find out about his family and he and Walt nearly die trying to trace the family tree. The ending is pure dynamite!
Ok, I really liked this 4th book of the Lady Justice series, Lady Justice and the Avenging Angels. When a group of religious zealots, led by an out-of-control self proclaimed “Avenging Angel”, Walt and his partner Ox are deposited in the middle of things by way of their job. The Avenging Angels have decided that Kansas City is a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah and they are chosen to rid the city of sin. We follow Walt and the ‘troops’ as they get into and out of trouble trying to keep the Avenging Angels from blowing up several city venues considered sinful by these fanatics. Do they foil the plans of the ‘bad guys’ and track down the ringleader? If so, what innovative and funny ways do they use to resolve the problem? As usual comical happenstance will come in to play.

Borrowing from troubling aspects of today's deep political divides, Thornhill gives us a more sober story in his 4th book in the Walt Williams Mystery Comedy series. There's still humor, but the message is one where a charismatic individual takes over the minds and souls of his small town friends and turns them into terrorists bent on destroying everything they consider an abomination in the eyes of their Lord. Walt and the KC police must stop them before they kill and maim thousands at large Kansas City functions. An additional side story that interweaves with the home-grown terrorists from the Osceola area south of Kansas City in the foothills of the Ozarks, is how Willie discovers his roots in that same area after an aunt who raised him dies and leaves him what seems to be trash, but turns into personal treasure. Included in the story is a history lesson on the James-Younger gang of post-Civil War the era which appears to be carefully researched. This novel, while making readers laugh at times, also makes them consider their own belief systems and prejudices. A well written story with a strong message.
. Walt and the KC police must stop them before they kill and maim thousands at large Kansas City functions. An additional side story that interweaves with the home-grown terrorists from the Osceola area south of Kansas City in the foothills of the Ozarks, is how Willie discovers his roots in that same area after an aunt who raised him dies and leaves him what seems to be trash, but turns into personal treasure. Included in the story is a history lesson on the James-Younger gang of post-Civil War the era which appears to be carefully researched. This novel, while making readers laugh at times, also makes them consider their own belief systems and prejudices. A well written story with a strong message.
A timely political problem with American Christian religious extremists coupled with a poignant story of Willie discovering his roots, tied to a history lesson involving the James-Younger gang of the post Civil War days...all with splashes of humor. This Walt Williams mystery comedy satisfies on many levels. One of Thornhill's best to date! It's hard to wait for the next one in the series!!
Christina Fullerton Jones, Independence, Mo

Robert Thornhill has written a wonderful fourth installment in the Lady Justice series. All the characters we’ve come to love throughout the series are back and still the same lovable people we have come to know and care about. In Lady Justice and The Avenging Angels, Walt and Ox are in the middle of a mysterious series of bombings rocking Kansas City, and as usual Walt is right in the thick of it. Because of his skill and sometimes luck, Walt finds himself in the right place to thwart the plans of the religious zealots who are targeting his city. Robert Thornhill does an impressive job in creating characters and stories that the reader is immediately drawn into, especially in this latest installment. The action starts immediately when Mary tries to get off the plane from Hawaii and continues to build throughout the book until the final climatic showdown between Walt and the leader of the religious group. This is a very humorous, action packed novel that everyone who is familiar with the series will immediately love. Mr. Thornhill does an excellent job in mixing humor and action together, along with the unforgettable characters his novels leave you waiting anxiously for the next installment
Lady Justice And The Avenging Angels September 4, 2013
Walt and Maggie have just come back from there Hawaiin Honeymoon. Now its time for them to adjust to living together,When Walt and Ox his partner, are patrolling the Gay pride parade a bomb goes off near them, they are okay but many others were injured or killed. Shortly after the police learn the bombs are homemade by a group of Religious fanatics calling themselves the Avenging Angels. They think its their job to rain Fire... Read More
Walt and Maggie have just come back from there Hawaiin Honeymoon. Now its time for them to adjust to living together,When Walt and Ox his partner, are patrolling the Gay pride parade a bomb goes off near them, they are okay but many others were injured or killed. Shortly after the police learn the bombs are homemade by a group of Religious fanatics calling themselves the Avenging Angels. They think its their job to rain Fire and Brimstone on Kansas city. The next attacks could be anywhere. Walt and Ox are on the case can they solve it before anyone else gets killed?plenty of excitement and laughs. A fun read look forward to reading more of the Lady Justice series