Lei'd Photos
In Lady Justice Gets Lei'd
Walt and Maggie travel to the beautiful Hawaiian Islands
Author Robert Thornhill again writes from personal experience. He and Peg lived on Maui for five years.
At the conclusion of Lady Justice And The Lost Tapes, Walt proposes to Maggie dressed as Elvis.
As you can see, Bob's wife, Peg, suffered the same fate.
Romantic cuss, isn't he?

This is the wedding scene from Elvis' Blue Hawaii at the CoCo Palms Resort on Kauai.
Walt & Maggie's dream was to recreate this magic moment in their own wedding.
Again, Author Robert Thornhill, writes from personal experience.
He & his wife, Peg, like Walt & Maggie, were married in beautiful Hawaii, recreating the wedding scene in Blue Hawaii.
InLady Justice Gets Lei'd, Walt & Maggie are married at the CoCo Palms which had been destroyed by hurricane Iniki in 1992.
In the story, Larry Rivera,(a real person) arranges the ceremony.
In this photo, Bob & Peg enjoy the moment with Larry at the exact spot the Elvis wedding scene took place.
Walt and Maggie are hiking in the rainforest where they are abducted by Hawaiian extremists.
During their five years on Maui, Bob hiked extensively through the rainforests and mountains of this tropical paradise

The perfect spot for Walt & Maggies abduction.

Walt & Maggie are trapped inside a cave on the summit wall of the dormant volcano, Haleakala.
Although trapped, they witness one of the most beautiful sights on earth ---
sunrise on Haleakala crater!