Lady Justice and the Mob
Lady Justice and the Mob

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In Volume #45, it seems that Walt is fighting one battle after another with the mob. First, Walt is dragged into the political arena to oppose a candidate for city council
with ties to the Russian mob. The moment that problem is resolved, Walt receives a frantic plea from Carmine Marchetti,
the godfather of the Kansas City mafia, asking him to help fend off mobsters from Chicago
who have come to take control of his operation. Reluctantly, Walt agrees to help Carmine unaware that his assistance will result in
heart-wrenching tragedy for himself and his family.
“Not only no, but hell no!” I said resolutely.
My wife, Maggie, gave me ‘the look.’ “At least think about it. You would be perfect.”
“I have thought about it,” I replied, “and the answer is a resounding no!”
Maggie rolled her eyes and stalked away. “Sometimes, you’re impossible.”
The day started innocently enough. Breakfast, the newspaper, a second cup of coffee and a shower, and I was ready to meet the world --- or so I thought.
Then the phone rang.
“Walt Williams Investigations. How may I help you?”
“Mr. Williams, my name is Beverly Bennett. I wonder if you’d have time to visit with me this morning?”
I made the erroneous assumption that Ms. Bennett was inquiring about my services as a private investigator. “Certainly, what time works for you?”
“I can stop by your office at ten.”
“Excellent! I’ll see you then.”
Beverly Bennett was right on time.
“Pleased to meet you. My office is this way.”
She looked around. “By any chance is your wife at home?”
“She is. Why do you ask?”
“Could you ask her to join us? What I want to talk about concerns your whole family.”
That threw me for a loop. “Uhhh, sure. Have a seat. I’ll ask her to join us.”
I found Maggie tidying up the kitchen.
“I have a client in my office and she’d like to speak to both of us.”
I saw the look of surprise on her face. “Why me?”
“I have no idea. I guess we’ll know soon enough.”
When we entered the office, Ms. Bennett rose and extended her hand to Maggie. “Mrs. Williams, I’m Beverly Bennett. I’ve heard a lot of nice things about you.”
“Thank you, but I’m curious. What’s this all about?”
“Let’s all have a seat and I’ll get right to the point.”
When we were seated, she smiled at both of us. “I’m the chairperson for the Republican Party of Jackson County and I’m here today to ask Mr. Williams to run for the city council seat in the next election.”
We both just sat there dumbfounded.
Bennett continued. “Our committee has vetted both of you thoroughly, your real estate careers, and Mr. Williams’ five years of service in the Kansas City Police Department. We believe you would make an excellent candidate.”
I didn’t want to offend the woman, but the very last thing in the world I would want to be was a politician. In fact, I hated everything involved in politics with a passion.
“That’s very flattering, Ms. Bennett, but I’m just not interested.”
“Oh, please, call me Beverly.”
“Okay, Beverly, thanks for the invitation, but it’s just not for me.”
“But the voters would love you! A decorated officer with two Distinguished Service medals and a life-long resident of the city.”
“Uhhh, like I said ---.”
She wouldn’t let me finish. “Walt, may I call you Walt?”
I nodded.
“Walt, we need you. The candidate for the opposing party is Owen Prescott.” She shuddered. “Mr. Prescott is not a nice man. If he’s elected, it will be a dark day for our city.”
“Beverly, there are a half-million people in Kansas City. Surely you could find someone better qualified than me. I have no experience in politics and besides that, I’m seventy-seven-years old.”
She smiled. “That’s just the point. You’re a fresh face, not part of the old political establishment, and with your age comes experience. I’m guessing you’ve been around the block a few times. What the city council needs is new blood and someone with common sense.”
She turned to Maggie. “What do you think, dear? A decision like this affects the whole family.”
Much to my surprise and chagrin, Maggie smiled. “I think Walt would be a wonderful councilman.”
“You would! You’re as honest as the day is long and you care about this city.”
“But I’m not a people person. I’m not a hand-shaking, baby kissing kind of guy. In fact, I try to avoid people as much as possible.”
“Not a problem,” Beverly shot back. “We’re not looking for the next prom king. We’re looking for someone with a backbone who can help lead this city for the next four years.”
Four years! I thought. I’ll be eighty-one! Not the way I planned to spend my golden years.
“Look,” I said, “I appreciate your vote of confidence, but I’m just not interested. I’m sure you’ll be able to find someone more qualified than I am.”
I saw the look of disappointment on her face. “I understand, but will you at least think about it?”
“Sure,” I said, “but if I were you, I’d keep looking.”
“Well, thank you for your time,” she said, rising, “I hope to hear from you soon. Your city needs you.”
When she was gone, Maggie took me by the hand. “Walt, you would really be a good councilman.”
That’s when I said, “Not only no, but hell no!”
And that’s when Maggie stalked away shaking her head.